Saturday, May 14, 2011

Montana Cake

This weekend I made a cake for the Going Away Party for one of my pastors. I decided to make the cake in the shape of Montana since that's where my pastor and his family are headed. I made a chocolate cake because everybody loves it. I made two half sheet cakes. I put them together and then had to carve the cake. Montana has a fairly jagged side so I had to simplify it for practical reasons. Once the cake was carved I finished icing it. After that I colored the fondant green and covered the cake. Unfortunately there was a couple of rips in the fondant, but I decided to cover them with the state flower, Bitterroot. Making the flowers was a bit of a challenge. I decided that I didn't have enough time to use gumpaste and I really didn't want to, so I used fondant. They didn't have the same stability that gumpaste would have had. The flowers didn't turn out as well as they could have but  they were decent enough. The cake came together well and I'm proud of how quickly I got it done.

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