Monday, October 25, 2010

It has been a while since I have blogged. Since then I have given two sets of cakes to my class. The first cake I already told you about. It turns out that Buttercream icing freezes very well and works perfectly for "Ice Cream Cupcakes." I took the cupcakes to class and brought toppings along. There was fudge, cherries, and sprinkles. The cupcakes looked exactly like ice cream sundaes! Everyone loved them and said they tasted excellent! I would have to say that "Ice Cream Cupcakes" are a success! This weekend I did my cake for October, they were "Pumpkin Mini Cakes." I worked all weekend on them. On Saturday I baked the cakes. I made apple cinnamon cake. I had to make two batches to make sure my class had enough cake. The cake had to baked in sheet pans and then cut into circles and then carved into pumpkins. Then on Sunday I had to cover the cakes with fondant. I had some problems with this part. The shape of the cakes are irregular so making the fondant go on it was hard. A lot of the time the fondant started ripping. I got my cakes covered finally and then I had to work with the gum-paste. This also presented a problem because I had to mix it up. I had never worked with gum-paste before much less make. For the first batch I made it way too runny and had to add more powder. I got my gum-paste made and did the faces for the pumpkins and the stems. My pumpkins turned out pretty well, not as well I would like, but I am proud of them for my first time. I will improve throughout the year hopefully and when I do these cakes again they will be even better.

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